Celebration is a core part of the TGP model, allowing us to recognize the amazing work, scholarship, and participation of girls, college students, and our facilitation team. Scroll to celebrate with us!
girl participants have:
Started their own feminist clubs
Been elected to positions in student government
Led activism at their schools and in their communities
Created Girls' Groups in their schools and after-school programs
Continued to make their voices heard by creating their own media and art
Lifted their voices in their families, schools, and communities
At the end of each nine-week Girls Group session, TGP hosts a celebration at Lesley University to honor the participants who speak, perform, and share art and critical work with their community. This event allows families, teachers, scholars, administrators and friends to share in the TGP experience.
In addition to celebrating the girls in front of their friends, family, and teachers, TGP's celebration also recognizes the hard work of our Emerging Girlhood Scholars after having facilitated eight weeks of Girls' Groups. We applaud their effort, care, and scholarship.
TGP Alum Have:
Assumed leadership positions in girl-serving organizations
Integrated feminist pedagogy into K-12 classrooms as teachers and counselors
Integrated feminist pedagogy into clinical contexts and settings
Pursued graduate study directly inspired by their work in TGP
Started their own Girls' Groups based on the TGP model
Continued to work with TGP as volunteers and independent researchers
Completed PhD dissertations, extending the TGP model and deepening the scholarship on girls and girlhood
Published and presented on the scholarship of TGP
Last (but not least!), TGP continuously celebrates the work of our founder, faculty, and researchers who make this Project possible.